joeya1k 0 Posted October 2, 2011 Jel stavljao neko na punto mk2b podizace haube? Slike saveti dobrodosli.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MilanLaki 0 Posted October 29, 2011 Uputstvo skinuto sa nekog foruma, ne mogu da se setim tacno kojeg. Text je bio na italijanskom, ali je radio Google translate na engleski pa se malo potrudite da razumete sta je pisac hteo da kaze Takodje slike nisu nekog kvaliteta, ali vidi se dovoljno "Then try to be as clear and simple as possible. Let's start with the features of my kit: - Brand: Inxx - Model Kit: BMW, Ford, Volkswagen - Measurements: Length: 450mm center-pivot center pivot. one body length 220mm width: 15mm The picture shows the special attachment to open your hood parafango.Se immediately notice two giant dadozzi as he needs to hook the metal front fender, two right and two on the left. Remove as close to you and put the attack for the piston. Now I do not know if you have a kit or demolition fattosta classic pistons which must only check the thread and possibly change the lives dell'aggangio. Not rifiletterei never a piece of the machine frame.""In this photo, but the detail of engagement the hood true ... if you notice there are two holes originally one large and one further inland a bit 'smaller outward. And 'the outer one that must be used. Use of washers increased by 12 and add two washers 8 if you screw 6 / 8 mm would not keep and you risk injury. Else careful when you hold the bolt between the two plates forming the box section of the hood if he falls by chance, you can pull out only with a magnet to mechanical ones made screwdriver all jointed, but not 'simple' better not to drop it. The aggangio consists of a bracket "L" with the other ball joint that I had also supplied in the kit and is the same speech on if I did not have you need an engineer and drilling, tapping etc etc ..." " One very important thing if you look at the photo you see a clip in a semicircle near the bracket. E 'success because the bracket was anchored only by the bolt and nut. During the closing for the force exerted by the piston is turned on itself and I risked to bend it. The solution 'shore up the bracket with another screw right next to so' prevents the rotation and the whole is 'more robust ... choose well-piston, because' however you will always strive on a thin plate and the unexpected and 'always around the corner not take it too powerful Now the work and 'see the finished photos. " "In the photos the following stages of closure. According to the corners where you point the rod will not be perfectly in line, but will from the top of the hood to the outside toward the lighthouse. If you change the points of attack try to keep them more in line can move more freely on the plate during closing and after a bonnet closed. " "NOTES: I was lucky because 'I found this kit on e-bay inxx all the pistons are aluminum and I had paid only 15 € but I think that they cost more in a long time' and were made to Ford, BMW and Volkswagen but as you see fit even on the fiat with a little 'of talent and concussion. Another tip is not raised the auction original can always be good for both the future and as safety as you work ... not you or the mechanic and 'nice to take a bonnet on his head ... I would also add that I had to cut anything and only two little holes I had to do are to stop the brackets to the hood with two waist, 3. With my configuration, the hood is opened slightly less, but it 'something completely negligible. There is another 'good job." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Veki 9 Posted October 29, 2011 to se iskljucivo radi na automobilima gde se cesto otvara hauba BMW,AUDI ...Inace od zamene do zamene ulja na puntu nema se racun to ugradjivati i petljati Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MilanLaki 0 Posted October 29, 2011 Ma to vise iz zezanja da se ugradi. Ovi alu su mozda skupi, ali obicni amortizer ne verujem da je mnogo.. Po meni je lepo, kulturno odradjeno. Mozda jedino da je onaj nosac na haubi lepse obradjen, da nije onako kockast ps:ako se neko odluci da pravi te nosace i izradjuje one srafove/kugle ili kako se vec zove sto se srafe na krilo neka obavesti Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
markosdbg 0 Posted February 8, 2012 Da li neko mozda zna,gde da se nabave ovi nosaci za amortizer? Jako je prosto ovo odraditi,s amo ne znam gde nosace da nadjem Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SikterBre 31 Posted February 8, 2012 Ja mislim da ima u AP sportu i da nije ni nešto mnogo skupo... Neko sa foruma je stavio na Bravo, samo mi je stao mozak ko beše Inače čim otopli ja ću sigurno da stavljam ove podizače, pošto je meni razjebana nešto ona šipka koja drži haubu, pa kad već moram da radim nešto oko toga, onda ću da odradim to kako treba Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
markosdbg 0 Posted February 8, 2012 Uf,to bi bilo extra kad bi moglo da se nabavi u ap sportu!Sutra cu bas otici da pitam,pa javljam na forumu!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
markosdbg 0 Posted February 9, 2012 Danas sam pitao u top autu,imaju te srafove i to vise dimenzija!Jedna kosta 60 dinara,sto je i dzabe,bukvalno Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
srkiv 1 Posted February 9, 2012 Ako neko odradi tu akciju nek stavi slike:) Jel ima u AP Sportu da se uzmu podizaci?Ma to vise iz zezanja da se ugradi. Ovi alu su mozda skupi, ali obicni amortizer ne verujem da je mnogo.. Po meni je lepo, kulturno odradjeno. Mozda jedino da je onaj nosac na haubi lepse obradjen, da nije onako kockast ps:ako se neko odluci da pravi te nosace i izradjuje one srafove/kugle ili kako se vec zove sto se srafe na krilo neka obavesti JA bih to ugradjivao:D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
markosdbg 0 Posted February 20, 2012 Evo ovako za sve koji zele da rade ove amortizere!Ja sam malopre skinuo jedan amortizer sa vrata od gepeka,kupio onaj sraf sa okruglov glavom,za kacenje amortizera.Usrafio,namestio i ne moze nikako hauba da se zatvori!Ja ne znam kako je on ovo uspeo,ali znam da sa obicnim amortizerima ne moze,zato sto je ona glava za kacenje sira i duza evo slike E sad,mozda je moguce sa ovakvim amortizerima kao sto je on stavio,ali mi je sve to nekako sumnjivo! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kanjavi 3 Posted February 20, 2012 ^^^ Mislim da moras da pogodis ugao kao na slici tj. gde kacis na haubu. Vidis kod njega ide bas uz sraf amortizera na kosu kad se spusti hauba. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
markosdbg 0 Posted February 20, 2012 Veruj mi uradio sam isto kao i on. Skinuo sam onaj sraf sa sasije i zavio onaj sa glavom,tj. gde se kaci amortizer. Jednostavno kad zelim da zatvorim haubu, ne moze. Moraju ovakvi amortizeri jer ja stvarno nisam video drugo resenje. Ako neko uspe da odradi, neka postavi slike. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
markosdbg 0 Posted February 24, 2012 Evo kako sam ja to uradio!Ako neko zeli,neka prekopira!Izvinjavam se za kvalitet slike,posto je snimano sa telefona! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MilanLaki 0 Posted February 24, 2012 od cega su amorti, dimenzije? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
markosdbg 0 Posted February 24, 2012 Ej pazi,ja sam radio po uzorku od amortizera iz gepeka!Znaci skinuo te i napravio!Danas otisao u top auto,dao mu jedan amort i trazio mu da budu iste dimenzije!Jedan je kostao 550 din.Jeftinije nego dzabe Jako sam prosto odradio,sve napravio za 2 sata!Mozda koji min vise Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SikterBre 31 Posted February 24, 2012 Prosto i jednostavno, a pre svega majstorski... Na haubi je L profil i koliko sam provalio šraf prolazi kroz rupu na L profilu, jedna matica je sa unutrašnje i jedna sa spoljašnje strane i poenta je da ne stežu puno da bi moglo da funkcioniše...Da li je ovaj navojni deo koji je prikačen na L profil ustvari deo amortizera ili si sam ubacio neki šraf ili brezon, pošto bi možda trebao da bude malo duži da bi se ubacila još jedna matica da kontrira ovu na kraju navoja da ne ispadne slučajno od vibracija...Reci mi da li je ovaj donji deo morao ovako da ide ili je moglo da se izbuši rupa i da se zakači direktno na karoseriju? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
markosdbg 0 Posted February 25, 2012 sikterbre,pre svega hvala na pohvali,potrudio sam se E sad,sto se tice svega ovoga,danas cu slikati i postaviti na forumu!Tako ce lepse da se vidi!U sustini,nista nisam busio na kolima,tj.samo malu rupicu na haubi kroz l profil!Videces danas,pa ce ti biti sve jasno! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
markosdbg 0 Posted February 25, 2012 Evo i slika koje sam obecao pa ako se neko odluci... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SikterBre 31 Posted February 25, 2012 Odlično, ja sam na osnovu ovoga dobio neku drugu ideju, relativno sličnu, pa kada budem imao vremena da realizujem, biće slika... Sve pohvale Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
markosdbg 0 Posted February 25, 2012 Hvala matori.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
markosdbg 0 Posted March 22, 2012 Sikter jel si uradio ove amorte? Daj neke slike... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TachkaTattoo 0 Posted March 31, 2013 (edited) Kod mene na Puntu je ovako namesteno: Edited March 31, 2013 by TachkaTattoo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gile smederevo 581 Posted March 31, 2013 I taj jedan drzi haubu, zar ne? sve vreme razmisljam da je jedan dovoljan. Koje je duzine taj kod tebe? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TachkaTattoo 0 Posted April 2, 2013 Drzi. Nema potrebe 2 stavljati. Izmericu danas pa cu ti reci. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites