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A oci mu na vrh glave :lol: uskoro ce faca da mu bude tamo de je i nacrtana :lol:

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Hmmmm, opasan je Valentino! Mislim da sam negde citao da je provozao Schumachera na motoru i da se ovaj odsek'o i da je to bio prvi i poslednji put sa seda sa njim :lol:

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navodno je napravio vreme za 5sec sporije od shumaherovog najboljeg vremena :shock:

ali navodno!

Nije navodno, nego stvarno i to jednu sekundu, ali ne od najboljeg nego od vremena koje je tog dana Sumaher ostvario. Doduse Sumaher je izjavio da nije vozio bas najbrze sto moze, ali da je uprkos tome Rosijevo ostvareno vreme bilo bas za respekt s'obzirom da je prvi put seo u Formulu.

A znas li ti da je Rosi pobedio legendu Mekrea?

Ja ga redovno pratim jos od prve sezone u 125ccm, posto jos od malih nogu ne propustam MotoGP :)

Inace za one koji ne prate, ovo juce mu je bila sedma uzastopna pobeda u Mugellu ;)

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Sa Yahoo sports-a:

The seven-time world champion tested for the fabled Scuderia on a number of occasions, most recently at Valencia in Spain in early 2006, when he lapped competitively just a second adrift of Michael Schumacher, who has won as many titles on four wheels as Rossi has on two.

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ja sam bio ubedjen da je neko preterivao!

c c c pa shto ne daju dechku formulu?!? preskakao bi ove chobane po krug! :lol::lol:

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Za neupucene malo statistike:

125cc / 250cc / MotoGP

World Champions

1. Carlo Ubbiali 9

2. Giacomo Agostini 8

3. Mike Hailwood 7

4. Phil Read 7

5. Angel Nieto 7

6. Valentino Rossi 7


1. Valentino Rossi 90

Pole Positions since 1974

1. Michael Doohan 58

2. Max Biaggi 56

3. Valentino Rossi 49

Fastest Race Laps

1. Valentino Rossi 74


1. Valentino Rossi 139

Samo MotoGP

World Champions

1. Giacomo Agostini 8

2. Mick Doohan 5

3. Valentino Rossi 5


1. Giacomo Agostini 68

2. Valentino Rossi 64

Pole Positions since 1974

1. Mick Doohan 58

2. Valentino Rossi 39

Fastest Race Laps

1. Giacomo Agostini 69

2. Valentino Rossi 54


1. Valentino Rossi 103

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Guest 9892

To give you an idea of the kind of performance GroupB cars were capable of I'll mention that in the 1986 season Henri Toivonen made two laps around the Estoril circuit, during a stage of the Portuguese rally, the fastest of which, in 1 minute and 18,1 seconds, would have qualified him in the sixth position of the F1 Grand Prix that same season. Ayrton Senna had the Pole Position in the 1986 Portuguese Grand Prix in 1 minute and 16,7 seconds...Toivonen was using the Lancia Delta S4

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...1 ili 2 sekunde zaostatka po krugu u F1, je ogromni zaostatak... ;)

Npr. ako bi taj zaostatak bio konstantan u toku cele trke, taj vozac na kraju ne bi bio ni u istom krugu sa pobednikom...a to su kilometri razlike u pitanju... :cool:

p.s. Za proslu VN Monaka, razlika na startu izmedju startne pozicije 1. i 8. je bila 1:15.110 - 1:15.598

U manje od pola sekunde je stalo 8 vozaca...

Ako bi npr. neko imao 1,5 sekundu sporije vreme, u Monaku bi startovao tek sa 13-14 mesta...a to nije ni sredina startnog poretka... :cool:

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Ok je to Nesho, ali je on ovo vreme postigao sa Lanciom Deltom, dok je Sena verovatno vozio F1 bolid, ako sam dobro skapirao.

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Pre 3 meseca je zavrsena sezona 2008, pa je i statistika malo promenjena:

Samo MotoGP

World Championships

1. Giacomo Agostini 8

2. Valentino Rossi 6

3. Mick Doohan 5


1. Valentino Rossi 71

2. Giacomo Agostini 68

3. Mick Doohan 54

Pole positions (since 1974)

1. Mick Doohan 58

2. Valentino Rossi 41

3. Kevin Schwantz 29

Fastest laps

1. Giacomo Agostini 69

2. Valentino Rossi 57

3. Mick Doohan 46


1. Valentino Rossi 115

2. Mick Doohan 95

3. Giacomo Agostini 88

125cc / 250cc / MotoGP

World Champions

1. Carlo Ubbiali 9

2. Giacomo Agostini 8

3. Valentino Rossi 8

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31.5.2009 ponovo je trka u Mugello-u. Pitam se sta je Valentino smislio ovaj put

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Videcemo, samo nek on pobedi ;)


Lorenzo inaugurates Fiat Open Lounge in Milan

Monday, 25 May 2009

Fiat Yamaha rider present at Italian event before Mugello round.

MotoGP World Championship leader Jorge Lorenzo made an early arrival to Italy ahead of the latest Grand Prix, inaugurating the new Fiat Open Lounge in Milan.

The Spaniard met with Mugello ‘Umbrella Girl 2009’ contest winners Luisa Mearns and Stefania Cicirello at the event, but his main accompaniment came in the form of his Yamaha M1, which took pride of place at the presentation.

The event was organised by Fiat, with VIP presence from Matteo Viviani, Sara Tommasi, Edoardo Stoppa and Juliana Moreira. Yamaha Motor Racing Managing Director Lin Jarvis also attended the opening.


Izvor: www.motogp.com

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21. Januara, Rossi malo "probao" Ferrari F2008 na stazi u Montmelu i ostvario vreme od 1’21.9 koje bi ga stavilo na 18. poziciju na startu velike nagrade Barselone 2008-e :)

Na bolidu je naravno bio broj 46:


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