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Nuova Bravo/Stilo - solarni senzor na tabli

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To je senzor koji meri jacinu sunceve svetlosti, a kod nekih modela i ugao pod kojim sunce sija tj. sa koje strane sija da bi klima znala gde malo vise da duva. To sto se na slici vidi je samo oklop, poklopac senzora a sam senzor je ispod. Zato i na kolima koja nemaju dig.klimu izgleda kao da senzor postoji...(

With automatic air conditioning, regulation of the interior temperature takes into account the position of the sun. The advantage: the temperature in the vehicle interior always remains at the desired level, especially as the airflow is suitably distributed and adjusted. Other benefits:

  • Clean air at all times: an additional air quality sensor detects whether there is a high concentration of pollutants in the outside air. Harmful substances and pollen are also detected. The automatic air conditioning then switches to air recirculation mode and also filters the air.
  • Indirect ventilation makes for a pleasant all-round climate.
  • Sun sensor control adjusts the climate inside the vehicle according to the solar radiation entering the interior, thus ensuring the right temperature.

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I mene to interesuje. Pratim.

Polomio mi u autoperionici lik, kaze nadoknadice. Kad sam posle gledao kuci, samo ceo senzor da se kupi komplet sa poklopcem.

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Fali mi ova kapica u fiat Bravu.

Da li neko može da mi objasni čemu ona služi i da li je neko ima da mi proda?

Pozdrav svima.


Čep na tabli - fiat bravo.jpg


Edited by Ivan

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@Ilić Ivan

U pitanju je solarni senzor, koji prikuplja podatke o suncevoj svetlosti/temperaturi i na taj nacin dodatno fino regulise rad digitalne klime.

Naravno, ako auto poseduje istu.

Probaj ili po otpadima (imas odgovarajucu temu sa kontaktima) ili kod ovlascenih.


p3.thumb.png.a619e1b77a78c47506cfb8cb894e0197.png p4.thumb.png.b9332f217e9f875006812086764ff6da.png


PS: Nepotrebno otvorena tema spojena je sa postojecom. Takodje nema potrebe da po forumu na vise mesta postavljas isto pitanje - iz tog razloga je sklonjeno i ostavljeno samo ovo ovde.


Edited by Ivan

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