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Fiat Stilo / Nuova Bravo - kompresor klime

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Drustvo,crko mi je lezaj kompresora klime(bruji ko blesav).

Interesuje me da li,na Stilu 1.6 16v,moze da se zameni jezaj bez skidanj kompresora i koje je dimenzije lezaj?

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Zna li netko kako se skida remenica klime bez skidanja kompresora. Tamo nisam vidio nikakav šaraf koji bi moga skinuti. Kompresor je denso. Jučer sam radio veliki servis i vidio da remenica kompresora ima malo lufta. Da li to normalno, ne čuje se u vožnji.

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Pozdrav, pre 2 meseca kupio sam Bravo, ovih dana počeo da koristim klimu i radila je normalno, međutim danas je počeo da se čuje neobičan zvuk i rad kompresora, naime kada uključi kompresor isti se čuje bučno poput vibracije telefona, to traje 2-3 sekunde i onda ga isključi na 2-3 sekunde, pa onda opet bruji 2-3 sekunde i sve tako... Kada radi na leru ne dešava se to, ali kada dodam gas preko 1000 o/min to počinje, probao sam u mestu, obori gas za skoro 500 obrtaja... Da li se nekome nešto slično dešavalo?


Edited by neshaoct

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Stilo jtd 115ks i kod mene klima radi sjajno nekih 5 minuta i onda se pretvara u obican ventilator sta je razlog ima li neko iskustva stim ?

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Danas primetio kad upalim klimu ko neko grebenje metal na maeta, ugasim nema nista. Klima radi normalno. Da li je do lezaj ili nesto drugo?

Stilo JTD

Edited by Skorpion

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I ja danas imao veselje sa klimom :) podjem do grada duva normalno, vraćam se kući ko da nisam ni upalio klimu, a na 3 pojačano. Stanem sa strane i otvorim haubu, čuje se na među nego blago grebanje od kompresora, inače remontovan prošlog februara, 100e plaćen remont. Garancija istekla, prošlo godinu dana. Odvezem kod Lapija, kaže verovatno lager. 50e sa zamenom.

Sad čekam da ga rasturi i pogleda definitivno šta je.

Ebem ti klimu

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Nije on radio remont.

Majstor kod koga sam radio tad veliki servis slao nekom u Krusevac na remont. E njega 'ebi :D I ja cu

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Zvao me sad majstor i kaze nece sve da prodje na lageru, moraju i neki magneti da se zamene i ulje i da se dopuni freon - sve to oko 100e


Znaci, dzabe sam radio remont kompresora pre godinu i 4 meseca. Kad bi' znao koji je to servis u Krusevcu sto je radio odma' danas bi' otiso da mu kazem koja carapa ide na koju nogu

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Pa i to sto kazes, to svaki majstor moze tako...


Eto ih moje felne :D Na kompresoru ih vozim :D :D :D :D

Edited by majkicbane

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Da maler bude jos veci, ne moze da nadje spulnu koja odgovara na moj kompresor. Ne znam da li se razlikuje kompresor klime kod Stila 59kw i 85kw? Ili jel se razlikuju mozda od modela do modela?

On kaze da ima za Stila, ali ne odgovara kod mene.


Radovi se produzuju do ponedeljka.


Makar cu da dobijem gratis dezinfekciju.

Ma nece biti sigurno gratis, ima on tu racunicu, ali makar je sve to u istoj ceni.

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Sta ti je problem da npr. sam u ePer ili eLearn pogledas da li su isti kompresori?

Bar se to proveri za 2 min.

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The circulation of the coolant fluid is allowed, altering the pressure level, using the mechanical energy from the engine via the pulley and the electro-magnetic clutch.

Depending on the version the vehicle is equipped with the compressors illustrated below.










1242 16V







500 ± 25


1595 16V



variable capacity




500 ± 25


1747 16V



variable capacity


SP 10


500 ± 25


2400 20 V



variable capacity


SP 10


500 ± 25


1910 JTD



variable capacity




500 ± 25

The basic types of compressor used on the vehicle are the orbiting spiral type (for the 1200 c version only with a frost sensor) and the variable capacity piston type.



SD7V16 compressor specifications:

  • Max. number of continuous revs: 7000 rpm
  • Max. number of non continuous revs: 8000 rpm
  • No. of pistons: 7
  • Min. stroke: 2.2 mm
  • Max. stroke: 34.2 mm
  • Min. capacity: 10.4 cm[sup3 ]/rev.
  • Max capacity: 161.3 cm[sup3 ]/rev.
  • Quantity of lubricant: 135 cm[sup3 ].

5SL12-C compressor specifications:

  • Max. number of continuous revs: 8000 rpm
  • Max. number of non continuous revs: 9200 rpm
  • No. of pistons: 5
  • Min. stroke: 1.58 mm
  • Max. stroke: 36.26 mm
  • Min. capacity: 7.6 cm[sup3 ]/rev.
  • Max. capacity: 126.3 cm[sup3 ]/rev.
  • Quantity of lubricant: 80 cm[sup3 ].

These types of compressors can decrease or increase their capacity according to variations in the system load conditions dependent on outside temperature and/or humidity conditions or shart variations in engine load.

The adjustment of the variable capacity compressors is based on the intake pressure according to the following logic:

  • low pressure, the compressor capacity values tends to be minimal.
  • high pressure, capacity increases.

This regulation logic refers to the following practical conditions:

  • 'low intake pressure' means that the load set for the climate control system is such that a high fluid flow rate is not required. Therefore the compressor intake pressure is reduced compared with normal operation and the compressor capacity decreases.
  • 'high intake pressure' means that the climate control load is high and the quantity of coolant required is high. Therefore the compressor intake pressure is higher than normal operating values and the compressor capacity increases to increase the flow rate of the fluid in the circuit.

In normal operating conditions these compressor work at maximum capacity.

The auto-traction climate control system compressors take their drive directly from the crankshaft by mens of a poly-V drive belt.

When the climate control system is not working, the pulley free wheels on the ball bearing driven by the poly-V belt. The front disc is 0.6 - 0.8 mm away from the pulley. The compressor is therefore inactive.

When the system is switched on, the electro-magnet is supplied and produces a magnetic field. The resulting force attracts the disc against the pulley, forming one piece with the coupling and, therefore, the compressor transmission shaft, causing it to rotate.

Example of a variable capacity compressor




The compressor is rotated by the power unit through the pulley (1) and the electro-magnetic clutch (2).

The compressor transmission shaft (3) causes the rotation of a circular shaped rotor (7). The rotot is not fitted on the shaft, but is connected to it by means of a pin (11) on the shaft that engages with a slotted plate (12) fastened to the rotor. the connecting rod (5) pistons (4). The rotor-connecting rod holder plate assembly is achieved by means of an axial bearing.

There is a circular plate fitted on the rotor hub known as the 'connecting rod holder' (6) to which the thrust bearing (9) fitted between the rotor ring gears and a plate and a radial bearing (10) between the rotor hub and an plate inner seal are connected by means of ball joints.

In addition to being connected to the rotor, the connecting rod holder plate is secured to the compressor casing by means of splining in the edge of the ring gear which houses an adjustable bush made from a low friction material that engages with the end of a slide (13) made from a low friction material. The opposite end of the slide is inserted in an adjustable housing in the compressor casing.

The reciprocating movement of the pistons is produced as a result of the angle of the rotor-connecting rod holder plate assembly rotation axis relation to the compressor shaft.

It should be pointed out that, given the fitting described previously, the connecting rod holder plate does NOT rotate with the rotor, but takes the oscillating movement produced by the rotation of the rotor in relation to an inclined axis from it.

The inclination of the assembly is made possible by the sliding of the shaft pin inside the rotor plate slot.

The inclination angle of the plate is determined by a regulation valve (8) according to the difference between the inlet and supply pressures.

In normal operating conditions the compressor works at maximum capacity, whilst with low intake pressures the inclination of the plate decreases and there is a reduction in capacity.

The other types of variable capacity compressors have different main specifications (capacity, dimensions, etc.) but still have the same operating principle described.



SCSB06 compressor specifications:

  • max. no. of continuous revs: 8450 rpm
  • max. no. of non continuous revs: 10,000 rpm
  • orbital rotation radius: 4.58 mm
  • quantity of lubricant: 50 cm[sup3 ].

The compressor fitted on the 1200 cc version is the orbital spiral type with a system that ensures that it is deactivated when the temperature of the evaporator gets close to freezing. The deactivation signal is controlled by the frost sensor fitted on the evaporator and is only present for this type of compressor.

Orbital spiral compressors consist of a fixed scroll 1 (casing) and a moving scroll 2.

The movement of the camshaft (3) connected to the pulley creates a chamber whose volume is reduced during the rotation allowing compression.



1. Fixed scroll (casing)

2. Orbiting scroll

3. Camshaft

4 Camshaft seal

5. Guard

6. Compressor electrical supply connection

7. Balancing mass

8. Pulley



The contact between the compressor fixed scroll and the orbiting scroll creates a chamber whose volume gradually decreases when the rotating scroll rotates.

The compression chamber is alternately open to supply gas, closed to transport it and then open at the outlet connector to discharge the pressurized gas.

The pressure of the gas stored, defined by the volume of the two scrolls (one moving, one fixed), gradually increases until the gas reaches the centre zone where the operating pressure is reached; the gas is released here through the outlet connector to the condenser.

The sequence illustrates the three different gas compression stages: the compression takes place after three complete revolutions of the orbiting scroll.




The adoption of these compressor, consisting of only two parts, has led to the following advantages:

  • No gaskets are required
  • There are no radial or axial leaks.
  • Low charge loss due to the absence of internal pipes and valves.
  • As the scrolls wear down, the side seal is improved.
  • The absence of valves, knocking and pulsing reduces noise.

conversely, as there is no variable capacity compression, the presence of the frost sensor is required to prevent the evaporator from freezing.


the cycle is continuous, therefore during a compression stage, a gas intake stage begins and the previous stage ends with the expulsion of the pressurized gas, simultaneously.



ePer za 59 kW mi izbacuje kat br 46811244  a za 85 kW  51752531 mada koliko vidim svi odgovaraju svima.   http://www.teilehaber.de/kompressor-klimaanlage-id68937570.html



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Ivane, hvala na odgovoru.

Ne znam da li je problem to sto je moj 59kw a on ima spulne za Stila 85kw, ili je mozda serijski razlika u nekim delovima. Uglavnom, rece mi da nije ista kao sto stavlja na sve Stilace.


Sta mi ostaje nego da mu verujem i da cekam ponedeljak :)

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Gledam ja u eper-u za svoj broj sasije, ali nemam br. sasije nekog od 85kw

I ne treba ti, mozes da izaberes model, pa zatim seriju, sifru motora, opremu... Na osnovu izbora u svakom Combo Boxu, daje ti sledeci... Radis sa generalnim podacima, ne za konkretan VIN (ako ga nemas, kao u ovom slucaju).

A pogledao bih i sta kaze eLearn.

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Kat br 46811244  i  51752531  se pojavljuju na svim 1.9 JTD i MJ motorima 


Stilo JTD 1910cc 192A1.000(115); 192A3.000(80); 192A5.000(140); 192B1.000(136); 192B5000; 937A4.000(126)  kompresori 46811244, 51752531


Stilo MJ 1910cc 192A8000; 192A9.000(100) - E4; 937A5000 kompresori 46811244, 51752531


Fiat Bravo 1.9 MJ  1910cc 192A1.000(DB) - E4;  192A8.000(120)E4; 192A8.000/F(120)E4; 192B5.000(90) - E4; 937A5.000(150)E4; 937A5.000/F(150)E4 kompresori 46811244, 51752531

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Uzeo sam danas kola. Ispalo je sve i vise nego sto sam ocekivao, vise od moje gornje granice ocekivanja, ali dobro, sta je tu je...


Koliko je realno da kosta zamena lezaja i spulne kompresora klime? Dakle delovi i ruke?
Da se preracunam pa da vidim na cemu sam :)

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