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FAS Goran

Otkazao servo na Stilu :(

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Ovaj put imao sam srece ali samo zato sto sam procitao sve savete od dobrih ljudi na forumu.Majstor mi je rekao da ce mi to srediti i da nece biti vise od 100e.Naravno samo sam ga saslusao.Kod kuce sam sam pregledao sve kontakte,dzekove.Na kraju da neduzim gledao sam kleme na akumulatoru i video neke kontakte pored akumulatora,sve zice su stegnute sa maticama.Proverim debelu koja vodi do kutije sa osiguracima a ona lepo odvijena,tako da kad god auto poskoci na neravnom spoj popusti i desi se gore navedeno.Stegao i vec nekoliko dana je ok.Hvala jos jednom i mozda jos nekom pomogne ovaj post.Pozdrav.

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Odlicno si sredio auto,za svaku pohvalu.Jedno pitanje druze ako znas.Vozim stila 1.9jtd actual, a video sam da neki modeli imaju prelepu opremu,mislim na displej umesto cd-a i klime,moze li se to ugraditi i u moj auto.Ako sam nesto lupnuo izvini :)

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Jovice, nista nije sramota pitati, ali ovo nije mesto za to. Tema je o servu na Stilu i drzimo se toga.


Sto se tice "lepog displeja umesto CD" u pitanju je ConnectNav+ uredjaj (radio/MP3 player/navigacija/telefon, sa 7'' ekranom), relativno jednostavno se moze naknadno ubaciti, imas ovde moj detaljni post (a i celu temu) o ugradnji istog: http://www.fiat-lancia.org.rs/forum/index.php?/topic/32233-stilo-naknadnja-ugradnja-navigacije/?p=1038894


Sto se digitalne klime tice, nije ni malo jednostavno a jos manje isplativo ugraditi je, diskutovali smo na vise mesta o tome, konkretno za Stilo/Bravo: http://www.fiat-lancia.org.rs/forum/index.php?/topic/50992-stilo-nuova-bravo-naknadna-ugradnja-digitalne-klime/ ... Zakljucak je da je mnogo jednostavnije u startu naci takav auto.


Za sve sto te zanima, prvo pokusaj sa pretragom foruma: http://www.fiat-lancia.org.rs/forum/index.php?showtopic=54042 .

Edited by Ivan

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Nema na cemu ;) .

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Eto i meni otkazao servo na stilu, a kod mene je u porodici vec 8 godina! Zamenjen juce kod nekog lika u Mladenovcu. Nije bilo strasno, samo 100 evrica. E sad buni me to sto je rekao da nije dobro sto je auto vozen stalno sa upaljenim CITY servom, pa me zanima vase iskustvo u vezi sa tim!?

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U pravu je majstor. Ako je CITY stalno aktivan on se u voznji na odredjenoj brzini (npr. 80 Km/h) sam deaktivira i kada ides ispod te brzine on se ukljucuje. Kod tebe je on tako stalno radio i doslo je do kvara. CITY koristi samo pri parkiranju ili nekom kratkom manervisanju.

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Potpuno pogresno misljenje...elektro volan radi cim upalite auto i na to ne mozete uticati. Mozete jedidino ukljucivanjem city moda pojacati ili smanjiti intenzitet elektro volana. 

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A da nije toliko radio, verovatno bi duze trajao


Servo stalno radi.

CITY mod nije nešto posebno što se uključi kad pritisneš dugme, a što do tada nije radilo. ;) CITY mod je samo pojačana asistencija elektromotora koji već radi. :thumbup:

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Ok. Ako je tako kao sto kazete zasto nam to pojacavanje serva nije stalno ukljuceno, tj zasto su nam stavili kao opciju da ukljucimo/iskljucimo, i zasto su ga nazvali CITY, sto mu ne stavise naziv ALL ROAD? Ne znam kako je kod drugih proizvodjaca, da li oni imaju nesto slicno, ja poslednjih desetak godina vozim fiate i svi su osim nove krome imali taj CITY

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CITY je zvanično asistencija prilikom parkiranja. Da nam parkiranje, gde mnogo motamo inače laganim volanom (jer mu radi servo) levo-desno, bude još lakše. :thumbup:

Zamisli da el.motor koji je servo ima dva režima rada. Onaj uobičajeni i onaj kada radi još više, tj. još više nam olakša okretanje volana. Pritiskanjem dugmeta CITY ne puštaš struju ka el.motoru jer on je već pod naponom, već radi, već ti pomaže da volan bude lagan. Zato ni isključivanjem CITY opcije ne štediš el. motor jer je on i tada opet pod naponom, opet radi, samo je količina njegove asistencije koju osetiš na volanu manja.

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Zato sto je mnogo glup osecaj i ne svidja se svakome ( vecini) Po meni je to skroz bezveze jer ionako se bas lako mota volan. Ja ga ne bih ni vozio npr. da mi je stalno takav volan :)

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Na dobro se covek brzo navikne... i ja sam prvih mesec dana vozio bez serva, ukljucivao ga samo kad bas treba da motam u mestu, jer mi je bio premekan... a sad (nazalost) ni ne pomisljam da ga iskljucim... cak razmisljam kako bi mogao da bude jos meksi i preko 50 km/h ;)

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Meni sto se teze okrece volan, to mi je bolje. Lepsi i prirodniji osecaj, osecas put kako valja.. Bivsi punto mi nije imao servo i bilo je milina :) Alfe isto imaju tako tvrdji volan, bas kako menu odgovara..

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The Stilo is equipped with electric power assisted steering. This system has the task of producing a force which, applied to the force applied to the steering wheel by the driver, reduces the physical effort required for manoeuvring. The system comprises a steering box with a conventional rack, an electric motor with the rack fitted to the steering column, a so-called 'force' sensor (it senses the force applied to the steering wheel), a button (with City or Normal positions) and a control unit which manages the operation. The assistance together with that of the driver's, depends on the following parameters:


force applied by the driver 

vehicle speed 

steering angular position 

steering angular speed 

level of assistance (City or Normal) 

In all operating conditions the system:


keeps the effort required for steering below a certain level and dependent on the level of assistance selected (City - Normal) 

ensures the correct return to the centre of the steering wheel during realignment 

ensures the damping of steering wheel vibrations during return to the centre 

Electric power assisted steering offers the following advantages compared with hydraulic power assisted steering:


the system has a smaller number of components and is therefore lighter and less complex 

it takes less time to install and is simpler to service 

the electric power assisted steering system only absorbs power when power assisted steering is required, improving the performance of the vehicle and reducing consumption and emissions 

greater driving comfort resulting from less operating noise 

a reduction in pollution because electrical energy is used 

a variation in the power assistance according to the vehicle speed 

power assistance which can be selected according to the customer's requirements (City/Normal) 







Basic strategies

According to the driver's requirements and the speed of the vehicle, the control unit operates the electric servomotor which assists the rotation of the steering column.

The motor applies a force to the steering column, by means of a worm screw mechanism, decreasing the effort required from the driver when steering.

Power assistance which varies according to the speed of the vehicle

As the speed of the vehicle increases, the driver proportionally increases the force applied to the steering wheel; as the speed of the vehicle increases, the resistance at the wheels decreases. As a result, the control unit, using the speedometer signal, implements a reduction in pressure.


Active return

The return stage refers to the realignment function normally produced by the geometry of the front section of the vehicle when the steering is released after a steering manoeuvre. This function is designed to make this realignment faster, causing the servo motor to intervene and assist the normal geometry effect. The correction of the return varies according to the speed of the vehicle:

it is maximum at low speds, it is minimum at high speeds 


Geared motor

The geared motor unit consists of an aluminium casting fastened to the vehicle chassis. The geared motor gear, coaxial and joined to the steering column, is made of steel, whilst the outer ring gear is made from pressed plastic. The metal part of the gear is fitted on the output shaft, which transmits the steering forces (in other words the torques from the servomotor and the driver). The input and output shafts are connected to one another by a 'calibrated torsion beam'.

Where there is resistance at the wheels, the input shaft weakens (NOT irreversibly) the torsion bar, therefore the input shaft and the output shaft are offset at an angle proportional to the force applied to the steering wheel. A torque sensor, fitted inside the geared motor, detects the change in angle, between the input shaft and the output shaft and supplies an electrical signal to the control unit proportional to the shift. The geared motor unit casing also has the task of retaining the outer part of the 'torque and position sensor'.

Lastly, the input shaft support cover, where the steering wheel is fitted, is secured to the casing and it houses both the ignition switch and the steering column switch unit.


Electric steering pin out

The control unit has two connections:


one two-way supply, 

one 10-way for connection to the CAN. 


Electric steering pin out


Stilo_servo_2.jpg  Stilo_servo_3.jpg








Battery power supply (+)



Battery return (-)



Key on signal



City signal






Line K (diagnostic)



CAN bus



CAN bus



CAN bus



CAN bus









The system has the task of providing assistance to the steering through the application of a force produced by a (brushless type) electric motor and transmitted to the steering column through a worm screw-helical wheel mechanism. The system functional diagram is illustrated below.





A - Torsion optical sensor,

B - Electric steering node


1 - Torsion optical sensor

2 - Torsion optical sensor supply

3 - Motor control

4 - Motor position measurement

5 - Data transfer to CAN: vehicle speed, vehicle status, signals

6 - Connection with Engine Management Node

7 - Supply



The power assistance together with that of the driver's, depends on the following parameters:


force applied by the driver, 

vehicle speed, 

steering wheel angular position, 

steering wheel angular speed, 

level of assistance selected (City or Normal) 


In all operating conditions the system:


keeps the effort required for steering below a certain level and dependent on the level of assistance selected (City - Normal) 

ensures the correct return to the centre of the steering wheel during realignment (active return); 

ensures the damping of steering wheel vibrations during return to the centre (active damping). 


Control strategies

The power assistance is the result of the following components:


one main component, a function of the force applied by the driver and the assistance level selected (City or Normal); 

two components that produce 'Active damping' and 'Active return' functions of the steering speed (and the force applied by the driver) and the steering angle, respectively; 

a futher component that has the function of inertia compensation. 


Wiring diagram






1 - Ignition switch

2 - Battery

3 - Dashboard/front connection

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Meni sto se teze okrece volan, to mi je bolje. Lepsi i prirodniji osecaj, osecas put kako valja.. Bivsi punto mi nije imao servo i bilo je milina :) Alfe isto imaju tako tvrdji volan, bas kako menu odgovara..



Probao sam City samo da vidim da li radi i mislio da ću da se prevrnem koliko nemam osećaj u volanu. A i kada uključim učini mi se na trenutak da se volan otkačio od letve  :laughing:

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