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FAS Goran

The Punisher

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Everything posted by The Punisher

  1. A customer asked me how much it cost to do this job.... I answered him: $400-$800 He said: So expensive for this job? I asked: How much do you think it would cost you? He simple answers job me: right?!" $ $200 maximum... ." That's nat's a a pretty - For $ 200 I invite you to do it yourself. But....I don't know how to. - For $200 1'II teach you how to. So besides saving you $400-800 you'll get the knowledge for the next time you want. - It seemed right to him and he agreed ⁃ But to get started: you need tools: A welder, grinder, chop saw, drill press, welding hood, gloves etc... - But I don't have all these equipment and I can't buy all of these for one job Well then for another $100 more 1'll rent my stuff to you so you can do it. ⁃ Okay, he says ⁃ Okay! Tuesday l'm waiting for you to start doing this work ⁃ But I can't on Tuesday I only have time today. - I'm sorry, but I'm only available Tuesday to teach you and lend you my stuff. Other days are busy with other customers ⁃ Okay! That means I'm going to have to sacrifice my Tuesday, give up my tasks -| forgot. To do your job yourself, you also have to pay for the nonproductive factors - That is? What is this?" Bureaucratic, tax, vat, security, insurance, fuel etc - Oh no.!... But to accomplish these tasks, I'm going to spend more money and waste a lot of time! ⁃ Do you have them? You can do it to me before?" - Okay! - 1'lI make you all the material you need. Truck loading is done Monday evening or Tuesday morning you'll have to come by 6 loading the truck. Don't forget to be on time to avoid traffic jams and be on time - At 6??2 Nope! Too early for me! I used to getting up later. ⁃ You know, I've been thinking. I'd rather pay you the $400-800. If I had to, it wouldn't be perfect and it would cost me a lot more. When you pay for a job, especially handcrafted, you pay not only for the material used, but also: Knowledge Experience - Study Tools -Services Time to go punctuality Accountability Professionalism Accuracy
  2. Yugo prototip sa Toyota 1.0 vvti motorom, jedan od 3 napravljena, redak ulov


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